it doesn't matter how you play the game, it's whether you win or lose

the other day i saw a real life recreation of a pivotal scene from "teen wolf".
you all know what i'm talking about...

now, "teen wolf" is an awesome, awesome movie. it taught us all the importance of both accepting and controlling our own inner wolf. see, the whole wolf thing is like a metaphor. a wonderfully weird, basketball playing metaphor.
and i felt like i needed to pull these real life teen wolves aside and explain how the whole point of teen wolf is to NOT go van surfing. and also, m.j.f. had a stunt man because standing on a van while your doofus friend veers around isn't- wait, what's the word?- SAFE. and also, m.j.f. had a stunt man do the whole skateboarding/holding on to a truck bumper thing too. just f.y.i.


Heather said…
Another thing that you can learn from Teen Witch is that someone should be assigned to making sure that everybody's flys are closed on the final freeze frame.

That can be a metaphor for bigger life lessons as well.
Fat eSpence said…
The lesson I learned was that every movie needs a montage.
Anonymous said…
Win in the end.
I read somewhere that MTV is making "Teen Wolf" into a series.
Just sayin'.
Matt Guinn said…
Way to bring it back to Teen Witch, Heather.

I learned that I should pattern my life after Styles.
The Chad said…
How convenient that the wolf costume allowed easy stunt doubling, No?
Jay said…
Teen Wolf was already a cartoon in '86. It was great.

Thanks to your post, I started watching episodes of Teen Wolf and Galaxy High on YouTube. I loved those shows on Saturday Morning Cartoons
Heather said…
I meant to say "Teen Wolf" but my brain autocorrected it to "Teen Witch" because an alarming amount of my brain is constantly trying to figure out how that movie got made and who I need to thank for that miracle.

Also, I want to high-five anon for citing the song ("Win in the End") used the Teen WOLF montage. That song is like 12 minutes of human growth hormone.