
One of my all-time favorite movie cliches is when the main lady-character's hair perfectly mirrors her character evolution. Such as it is. I'm not being ironic. Okay, well, maybe I'm being a little bit ironic. But I'm being ironic in that way that circles back to earnest so that neither of us can actually tell whether or not I'm being sincere and so we both walk away feeling confused and frustrated. Now, we could totally get into a discussion about how a woman's hair has always been a means for symbolism in cinema and literature (I'm looking at you Scarlet Letter and Bronte Sisters and any other Victorian novel where a woman stands on a moor and lets down her hair in a moment of untamed abandon). But we won't. Because that's not what I'm about today. Today, I'm about movies. And not good movies. No, I'm all about movies with the subtlety of The Rock flexing the cast OFF his arm and saying "Daddy's gotta go to work."...