
Showing posts from February, 2016

news binge

uggh. over a 24 hour period, i have STUPIDLY read... this: and this: and i spent way too much time reading this: oh! and i also read this: ... and now i feel overwhelmed and overloaded. and angry. and the kind of sad that stems from not being able to be helpful in any way. and asexual. there's probably a word in german that encompasses all of that.
i'm taking an online social psychology class which involves a weekly "discussion post." i have copied and pasted old blog posts for two of the five posts so far. which i think serves as proof that my blog is therapy. also serves as proof that i'm too lazy to come up with original thoughts, but, whatever. ***update: 02-17-16*** three out of six.


I've been taking a pottery class the last month or so. And it’s been so much fun . I’m not good, but I’m decent enough. And I have enough of a sense of humor to really enjoy the weird stuff I unintentionally create (so. many. ashtrays!). Plus my teacher is really great and chill. I was sick last Saturday so I went in on Monday night for a make-up class, which isn’t supposed to be a big deal. You slip in and find a wheel in the back corner and go about your business. People do it all the time. So I slipped in and found a wheel in the corner and I started to prep my stuff. But then the teacher stopped teaching class and started giving me a hard time for being there. He announced that he had a full class and I needed to leave. I don’t know what it was about me that rubbed him the wrong way, but there was another non-class member who came in the same time as me and set up a wheel and started throwing with no problems. I’d counted the number of people in the room and the number...