
Showing posts from October, 2017


One of my goals this year was to run a dozen 10k+ races and I am excited to report that, as of today, I HAVE... failed. Totally failed. Like, not even close. So my amended goal, as of today, is to just do a dozen outdoor 10k+ runs before the end of the year. You know, like my own, special races where I always come in first by default. So doable, right? Should take about two weeks to do, right? But tonight, as I sit here on my couch, eating a bowl of Life cereal and watching an episode of “Perfect Strangers,” I am telling you that it is NOT that doable. It is not that doable at all. And it will probably not get done in two weeks. Why is it always so dark outside??

Me Too

I mean, ya, #MeToo. I think the most recent occurrence was a year ago at the Sheepdog Trials when some strange dude wouldn't let go of my arm and kept trying to herd (see what I did there?) me into a tent for a massage, while also suggesting that I give him a lap dance. And actually, the only thing that made this hard to shake off was that my niece was with me, and watched the whole interaction. Because afterwards, as I walked away, I was super worried that since my niece had watched me deescalate the situation by smiling and laughing, she would think that I thought the dude's behavior was okay. I think I dropped the ball at an important moment, because I was so focused on not being confrontational or making a scene, that I don't think I made it clear to the 7 year old watching me that a stranger touching you is never okay. I feel like I need to make it clear that I know there are vastly worst things that happen to women every day. I'm sharing this story bec...