i was totally psyched when em tagged me to list 6 quirks. "yes! finally! something to blog about!", thought i. cuz i've got nuthin'. but seriously people, for the last six years i've done nothing BUT regale you with my quirks. my quirks, oddities, nuances, subtleties, henceforth, ditto ditto, etc, etc... and bless you for going along with it all. "what's that? you like diet coke? haha! what ho! good times!" above and beyond, really. you guys are fantastic. well, but let's be honest, you're not perfect. you've got some quirks of your own and don't even think i haven't noticed which is why, in an ever so slight change in protocol, i'm going to list my working title six favorite other people quirks. let the record show #1 spliz is incapable of saying "nauseous". it's " nauseated ". in fact, it's been so indoctrinated in me that i now say "nauseated" instead of "nauseous". i do...