
i don't think my title needs any explanation.


Nama said…
try to brush you hair out after 2 weeks?
barnesanova said…
the first time you see that disturbing blemish, imperfection, flaw, 'uniqueness', character trait, or other special feature on someone whom you have been dating but suddenly becomes a defining point in your decision to leave them because you realize that it just isn't worth having to see, hear, smell, or experience that anymore

yep, i know that sound well. like the time i was dating a girl and one day caught a glimspe of her chin, where there were two very distinctive dark hairs growing... call me shallow, but i dropped a double-gaaaaaa with a trace of hrmflurgh-gulp as i had seinfeld-esque fixations on this man-hands like dilemna.
Jay said…
I think that is the mating call of the Klingon.

Add a bad 80's perm, a more brutal Xena costume, and a Batlif to that growl and you just might have a Worf knocking on your door with love poetry.
"A roaring yell akin to the death wail is the Klingon female's mating call, Worf says, followed by their hurling of heavy objects and clawing. The male responds by reading love poetry — and ducking a lot."
Chester B. said…
Stay away from Wal-Mart during the Christmas season...even if the Matriarchs are somehow involved.
Kimberly said…
The sound you make as a guy quotes teen girl squad whilst you are trying to watch the last and best part of Pride and Prejudice.
Ben said…
Like the sound of trying to figure out which turn will lead you back to your house after a very failed attempt to find singles' ward FHE in time in a town you're supposedly from, but have never lived in for more than two months running, and have never driven in. Check.

Or Wal*Mart.
Andrew H said…
Either Steve or Lyle came to talk to you.
Andrew H said…
Merry Christmas Kat!
Leah said…
It's the sound you make a week after you've successfully beaten the flu and you go home to Florida for the first time in 4.5 years and you wake up the day after Christmas with a fever and a sore throat and a raging headache.