dare devil

my dog is afraid of his water dish.
it's pathetic.
i thought he'd work through this issue and in the process become a stronger, more self aware dog. i even bought him a shirt to boost morale.

if you look close enough, you can see that he's screaming on the inside.
alas. months have gone by and the dare devil refuses to face his fear no matter how much i roll my eyes at him.
then, the other day i saw a spider and shrieked and ran out of the room.
which was sort of an epiphany.
a sad, strange epiphany.
we all have our phobias and no amount of opposable thumbs is going to change that.
so i bought dare devil a new, small and in no way intimidating water dish. and i have never seen him so hydrated and sure of himself. he tony danza*'s that new water bowl!

and i'm all for having a happy, healthy, hydrated dog... but seriously. i don't do 5am walks.

*shows it "whose the boss"**.
** i really thought i could pull that off.


Kirsten said…
i love your dog.
my dogs love your dog!
YEEEEHAA for so many people getting dogs and writing about them. now you know why I have done it.
Nama said…
can i call him kineval? or kanineval???
Andrew H said…
There's nothing wrong with seeing a spider and screaming like a little girl...
Lincoln said…
I agree with footbush. I did it last week.

Your dog is awesome. It was good to meet him.

...oh...and good to see you as well.
Anonymous said…
I guess accessorizing wasn't the answer to your dog's problems.
Heather said…
Based entirely on that photo, I really want to buy your dog a warm-up suit with a pair of tear-away paints.
Chester B. said…
Is he afraid of the food dish too? Get that skinny puppy a T-bone!
Ben said…
Maybe you could shorten the verb to just "to danza". He danzaed that bowl.