
during the last 37 years of blogging, i've talked a lot about my grandma (mom's mom) whom i lived with and also my grandfather (dad's dad) who kind of didn't like me, but i don't think i've ever talked about my other grandmother (dad's mom).
so let's get into it.
my grandmother is a sweet, funny woman who talks exactly like judy holliday in "born yesterday."

she grew up in the bronx with her brother, mother and cab driving, cuban stepfather. during ww2 she joined the w.a.c.s and that is when she met and married my grandfather. someday i'll put a clip on here of my grandfather telling the story of their first date. spoiler!: it involves my grandmother almost falling out of the airplane my grandfather was flying.

top that.

anyways, my grandmother and i had lunch together today (and by that i mean that i was visiting my grandmother when the "meals on wheels" lady made her delivery and gave me one of the extra meals she had (have you ever had pork with raisin sauce? neither had i)) and midway through the meal my grandmother had an epiphany. "oh, i know what's wrong," she said, "i don't have my teeth in!"
and then she stood up and left the room.
"hu," said i, and then i ate my apple sauce.
when my grandmother came back into the kitchen, she looked at my plate and said, "you're already finished?"
"well, ya. i already had my teeth in."

a while ago h recommended a movie where one of the young characters moves in with her grandmother at a retirement community and i was like, "yep, that's definitely a movie i would relate to."
and i watched it.
and it was definitely a movie i related to.


Chad Can Plan said…
I need to meet your grandmother. And/or eat port with raisin sauce.
I wonder if I can qualify for Sac's meals on wheels...
Tyler Pulsipher said…
Chad you're too young and virulent to qualify for Pasco's meals on wheels, I know that because I volunteered there for almost a year. I was in the kitchen, usually washing dishes. I just wanted you to know that I never saw pork with raisin sauce on the menu nor ate it for lunch which was my payment for my services.
kat said…
you missed out, puls, you really did. every once in a while meals on wheels tries to add a little exotic flair to their menu.

give it another 50 years, chad, and you'll qualify. until then you can do the next best thing and eat a lean cuisine pizza for lunch everyday, like me.