
7:05 am alarm goes off. hit snooze.
7:10 am alarm on cell phone goes off. turn off.
7:14 am alarm goes off. hit snooze.
7:15 am second alarm on cell phone goes off. turn off.
7:23 am alarm goes off. turn off.
8:45 am wake up.
8:47 am go into living room. turn on "buffy" on fx (the first episode of season four. v good.)
8:48 am go into kitchen. make scrambled eggs and hot chocolate. not a good combination.
8:52 am make goal to go grocery shopping later.
9:01 am change channel to "dawson's creek" (the episode where jen and jack make out. not good).
9:02 am change back to "buffy" (the second episode of season four. also v good).
9:27 am sister wakes up and comes out and watches "buffy" (second episode. still v good).
9:28 am sister asks if she can have cereal. don't have milk. offer her last egg.
9:29 am internally reemphasize goal to go grocery shopping later.
9:59 am get ready for work.
10:07 am leave for work.
10:19 am arrive at work.
10:21 am go over list of prohects to complete by next week with lyle.
10:23 am get key to factory so can come in and get list of projects done by next week while everyone else is vacationing.
10:24 am check email.
10:35 am make new caramel popcorn box.
10:41 am make another new caramel popcorn box.
10:53 am make new chocolate covered mini pretzel box.
11:00 am make another new chocolate covered mini pretzel box.
11: 09 am check email.
11:10 am read everyone's blogs
11:22 am make new fruit sours candy label.
11:33 am refill paper tray in printer.
11:34 am write this blog.
and i predict that...
11:36 am buy coke from vending machine and consume.

life is good.
