there's gold in them thar- oh my gosh!- hills

"see, what you have to do is find a really hot girl who was really ugly in high school. that's like striking gold! because not only are you dating a really hot girl but you're dating a really hot girl with low self esteem!"
-my sister's old roommate's ex-boyfriend

my internal reactions in very particular order...
"oh my gosh, what a pig!"
"oh my gosh, he's got a point!"
"oh my gosh, i'm a pig!"


Jon said…
I hate guys like that. Why do they have to go around revealing all of the secrets.
Em said…
No, what you really have is a really hot girl that's funny (or has a great personality)
Anonymous said…
From the girl's perspective, it's probably more empathy for the ugly-duckling boy. And I'm a bad person, too.
matt said…
in his defense, im positive i heard that in a movie.
hmmm, that's not a very good defense.
remind me not to be a DA...
Jon said…
In Matt's defense, he's probably never been I DA, so he probably doesn't know that DAs prosecute, and not defend.
Lincoln said…
he totally has a point.
Rach said…
That explains the ex-boyfriend part. Hopefully that's his permanent status.
Fat eSpence said…
Beauty is inner. At least that's what ugly people say, and ugly people are usually smart, so they're probably right, right?
Anonymous said…
Hey Kat,

I am one of Chad's buddies here in Florida. I just wanted to say that your impression of a southern accent was dead on perfect. If you get a chance you should check out one of my and Chad's good friends Hunter Lovins website. You guys would have alot in common. Toodles.

Little Franny
Anonymous said…
Hi Kat,
Wanna hang out?
