i just might stop to che-eck you out

i love wendys. i love their frostys.
i love violent femmes. i love coming up with my own interpretation of the lyrics of "blister in the sun".
i even sort of love corbin allred. i love that every time i see him i'm reminded of his role as screaming little boy in "robin hood: men in tights".

but i cannot abide the latest wendys commercial.
chicken sandwiches. violent femmes music. mormon movie actors.
these three worlds should NEVER INTERSECT.

i feel like i'm taking crazy pills.


Andrew H said…
I had a chicken sandwich for lunch.

I just bought "best of" Violent Femmes.

I was in a movie with Corbin Allred.

I'm kinda freaking out right now...
Nama said…
at least this commercial is better than the disturbing "spongebob no-pants" burger king one.

Anonymous said…
I think you are taking crazy pills. What is this commercial you speak of? I haven't seen it, therefore you must be hallucinating. Its all in your head, Kat.
Carolyn said…
corbin allred's brother worked with me when i did the news at byu. i think he was in teen angel at the time.
Chester B. said…
Wendy's has been off-track ever since they started offering vanilla Frosties.

matt said…
...so, do these "pills" cause or prevent crazy?
Leah said…
I just saw that commercial. I wasn't paying attention and my sis yelled, "Hey, it's that guy from Saints and Soldiers!" I'm with you on this one - it disturbed me a little bit.
Anonymous said…
Okay, so I have now seen that commercial many times. The elements in that commercial definaetly don't "mesh". I wholly agree.