heart to heart

dingdong: ssso my husssband wantsss to move to another country.
me: really?? that's fantastic!
dingdong: he ssspeaksss portugessse ssso he'd probably want to go to, like, portugal or brazszil and work.
me: wonderful! you should totally go for it.
dingdong: but he alssso wantsss to ssstart having kidsss.
me: hu. do you want to start having kids?
dingdong: i don't really feel ready yet. but he doesss... ssso, we probably will.
me: hu.
dingdong: i'm jussst worried about having kidsss in a third world country.
me: like portugal?
dingdong: ya.
me: ahem, well, that's totally understandable. when you have a baby, you want your family close by for support and it would be hard to be in a country where you don't speak the language.
dingdong: and alssso, if you have tripletsss in a third world country-
me: like portugal?
dingdong: ya. if you have tripletsss in a third world country, you can only choossse one to live!
me: ... what?
dingdong: they only let you choossse one to live!
me: ... hu.
dingdong: my friend sssaw it on "oprah".



john said…
So then, is it better to be first born in a third world country, or third born in a first world country?

And while Portugal would be cool (despite its third-world status...), I have been freaked out of visiting Brazil ever since watching City of God.
Nama said…
that oprah sure does know her stuff.
Lincoln said…
If she saw it on Oprah...it must be true. Stay away from Portugal.
Anonymous said…
Can't say I ever remember seeing triplets in Brazil... she must know what she's talking about!
Em said…
I'm also terrified of third world countries. That's why I stay away from Texas.
Nama said…
as you should, em. as you should. i'm lucky i got out of there alive, but as for my triplet sisters...
Leah said…
I, like Nama, am the triplet that lived.
Chester B. said…
I had a buddy who spent some time in the Azores.

An old man sat on his sister on the bus; if there's no seat available they freakin' sit on top of one another.

What that suggests about their birthing laws...I'll leave it up to you.
matt said…
"I am 'The Oprah!'"

just a little retro SNL for ya
Kirsten said…
i think it's all been said. But one thing that hasn't is... EDDIE WELCOME BACK TO THE CYBER WORLD-- it's been a while.
Annegirl said…
Poor Portugal.
Poor triplets.
Poor Oprah addicts.

I want your job.
Fat eSpence said…
Okrah? I wish I had a dingdong at my work to talk to. I also wish I had one to eat. Yum.
Jon said…
Wow. I think I'm still fixated by "I don't really feel ready yet, but my husband wants kids, so we probably will." First cllue righ there.

And the fact that she didn't included New Guinea on her list. They speak portuguese there.
It's true, i saw it on Oprah.