alma mater

i just came across this. my old high school is getting ready for the sadie hawkins dance. hehehe. when i was a senior in high school, my friends coerced me into asking brandon to sadie hawkins. i did not want to go because high school dances aren't fun. but i got caught up in the excitement of the asking and the shopping and the getting ready. so ya, i ended up taking brandon to sadie's. my justification in caving to my friends' demands were two fold: #1 brandon's from new zealand so i would be experiencing another culture and #2 the fact that he had his ears pierced would drive my mom crazy.
turns out the kid was drunk the whole night. super. so i guess in a way, i did have a cultural experience. we went to hard rock cafe (he was acting very suspicious), and had a video scavenger hunt (he went into a porno shop). then we went to the dance (he tried to get freaky, so i spent the rest of the evening shunning him and dancing with my best friend's date, since she was sitting in the bathroom with a 103 degree temperature) and then we watched videos (i think he fell asleep in a corner). finally, my evening of torture was over. i took him home, and then right before he went in, he said, "oh wait! i have something for you! hold out your hand." this i did. then he pulled all the stuff he'd stolen from hard rock out of his pockets. knives, forks, cups, ash trays, etc. i stood there holding all this and was suddenly furious at myself for wasting an evening of my life with a drunk, porno loving, kleptomaniac. i wanted my seven hours back. being the nice young girl that i was, i put his silverware in his mailbox, and drove away.
