i hate that i tell people things. for the past 2 years i've been making a concentrated effort to NOT gossip. i was doing really well until my friends and family started to get offended when i wouldn't tell them things. so then i reached a compromise where i have me "core" group of people who i tell everything to. there are two problems... #1- it's a flood gate, and #2- i don't know who's in my core group and who isn't and i end up telling friends things which i instantly regret. so i've been trying to go back to my "don't tell nothin' to nobody" rule, not very successfully. last night my mom told me that i just need to learn who i can trust. she's right. but she also only knows my dad, my grandmother, and my dog. until i have a dog and a husband, i have to figure out who i can trust through trial and error. i've made lots of errors in the past few months. sigh. don't tell nuthin to nobody, don't tell nuthin to nobody...