hu. my shoulder angel.

i would like to illustrate a point with a quote...
shoulder devil: listen up, big guy. i got three good reasons why you should just walk away. number one. look at that guy! he's got that sissy stringy music thing.
shoulder angel: we've been through this. it's a harp, and you know it.
shoulder devil: oh, right. That's a harp, and that's a dress.
shoulder angel: robe!
shoulder devil: reason number two. look what i can do. [does one-armed handstand] ha-ha, ha!
kronk: but what does that have to do with me?
shoulder angel: no, no. he's got a point.
kronk: listen, you guys. you're sort of confusing me, so, um, begone... or, um, however i get rid of you guys.
shoulder devil: that'll do.
and a picture...


matt said…
is the fact that you are looking at the shoulder devil part of your point?
barnesanova said…
i'm not sure whether i find the little chubby red guy or the little fat white guy more interesting. i think the white guy looks a bit too content with himself... so instinctively, i'm not a fan.
Nama said…
i like the angel. he looks so happy. listen to him.
Leah said…
Um... you're hot. Don't listen to either of them. Because they're both just a little bit too cute, so I don't trust them.
Ann-Marie said…
what i like best about this post is the background of your picture. what's going on back there?
Em said…
So happy! :)
Carolyn said…
Cute picture. They look like huge oversized lips in the background.
Annegirl said…
Whatever. You know it will all turn out all right if you have your own decent theme music.