my goal for the month of march was to figure out the difference between "affect" and "effect".
i thought i knew.
but turns out i did not.
so i put it to you on this the night of march 30th...

dear smart people,
why is it wrong for me to say that something "effect"ed me? why?
i just want to be more like you.
thanks ever so,


Heather said…
I am not the right person to answer this question because I have not taken an English class since I was 17, but I know that in science "effect" is equal to "result" or "consequence" so I only use "effect" where those words could also be used. Then I use "affect" wherever "influence" could be used, because that is also how it works with science.

This could be bad advice, but the geeks will know what you are saying.
Anonymous said…
I just had this "affect/effect" conversation with my mom the other day. Neither of us can figure it out either. So when you figure it out, lemme know.
john said…
Heather is correct. "Effect" is related to a consequence of an action (the effect of me posting this was that everyone now thinks that I'm a total grammar nerd). "Affect" is related to influence or a "bringing about" of something (John affected a collective groan as he rambled on about grammar nuances). As a general rule, use "effect" as a noun and "affect" as a verb. However, be aware that there is an "effect" verb, but it is in regards to achieving a concrete result (John foolishly hoped that his explanation would effect everyone's complete understanding of the difference between affect/effect). But typically, you can use the "affect=verb, effect=noun" to great effect without affecting any more snobby discourses from know-it-all posters with English teacher mothers who from a very young age hypothetically had these things drilled into his head. Thanks, hypothetical mom.
Lincoln said…
I always think of the term "cause and effect." Then I relate what I'm trying to say to said term. Usually, it all works out.
matt said…
effect = noun
affect = verb

Matt Guinn said…
Maybe I'm just a video nerd, but I think about After Effects (effect being a noun in this situation) every time I have this issue and how the icon is AE and not AA. Did that make sense to anyone? It works for me and I guess that's what counts.