
further proof that i don't have that much to do at work.

it's time to play "choose your own katventure"!
yipee! hooray!!

*if you have trouble with the links (hopefully you won't) try refreshing the page.
**and keep in mind that i don't spell check.


Chester B. said…
wow, I, er, you...didn't die after the first choice!
john said…
Wow, Kat. That was very entertaining. I chose every adventure (what else was I going to do, work?). Thanks to you, I can now say I played cards with Vanilla Ice, beat up Al Roker, both robbed and prevented the robbery of a convenience store and got eaten by an oompa loompa all in one sitting. Simply amazing.

btw, Wil Weaton has kept himself busy lately reviewing vintage video games for The Onion.
Jay said…
Didn't Wil also try his hand, with a bunch of his pals, in a Linux company or something to do with Linux??? I think I remember running across his Lnx site last year but very briefly.
Carolyn said…

That relates to your post from awhile ago, but I wanted to show you anyways.
Ann-Marie said…
that was so much fun! i think that you should publish "chose your own katadventure"!
Nama said…
who knew robbing CIA headquarters and runnning off to italy with all the money would be so exhilerating!
Ben said…
Aw, peas. All I got was "committed". In the bad way.
Em said…
Am I the Oompa Loompa?
Nama said…
oh my gosh i just killed al roker!!
Lincoln said…
Kathryn, this is the greatest blog ever. Thank you for ceding the top prize to me and my soap opera. I appreciate that. However I only agree with you there because of the sheer size and scope of the soap opera. If this were lengthier, you would be queen. Well you're already queen. You would be master of the universe. In short, this blog was....AWESOME!!!
barnesanova said…
i should have known i'd end up on the island.

well, what i'll say, is that that WWII luger that the 'others' dude has... that thing likely won't shoot anymore... i'm bum rushing him. and as for kate... F**K HER!!! she's takin a bullet and i'm running off with anna lucia. she's got to have a soft side and when it lights up... watch out!
Heather said…
I died of pancake food poisoning.

eh, sounds about right.
john said…
Ok Jay, I searched Wil Weaton + Linux and I couldn't find anything about him starting up his own Linux company, but I did find this blog entry about his conversion to this platform and several subsequent interviews and articles singing its praises.

Wil also codes and runs his own website. I found the FAQ to be fairly humorous.
Anonymous said…
Kat, I'm confused. Can you drive a semi or can't you?
Jay said…
I knew he had something to do with Linux that he was making a big deal about. I just remember coming across it a long time ago and not thinking much about it at the time.
Leah said…
So... I love you even more now. I wasn't sure that was possible, but I just removed Em's mom from the people I love list (I don't know how she got in there in the first place) and that just cleared up like 700 lbs of space. So I've got lots of room to love you more now. Ok, I'm done.
Kirsten said…
you are cool creative kat.
Andrew H said…
Everything is really "true-to-life" except the part where you say "nothing says good morning like 32 oz of Diet Coke." ACTUALLY, nothing says Good Morning like 44 oz of Diet Coke!

Very cool Kat!
barnesanova said…
in honour of your major award (granted its no leg lamp, but it'll do), i thought i'd post a link to my favourite choose your own adventure type series... i'm considering digging one of these up (for a whopping .01) and giving it a page turn.
