true or false
thank you, splincoln, for giving me something to do.
I'm short: false
I have scars: true... both physical and emotional [sniff]
I tan easily: true
I burn easily: false
I wish my hair was a different color: false
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: true
I wear glasses or contacts: true
I'm legally blind without them: false... i think
I have 5 or more piercing: false
I have/had piercing in places besides my ears: true
I miss someone right now: true (that's right splincoln! some of us have hearts that are not made of stone!)
I've gotten divorced: false
I've had a crush on a teacher: true
I've hugged a stranger: true
I like my bubble: very true
I've laughed so hard I've cried: true
I've glued my hand to something: true
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: false
I've had my pants rip/drop in public: ahem... true
I was born with a disease/impairment: not unless beauty is a disease/impairment.
I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: true
I've had my wisdom teeth removed: true
I've had a serious surgery: false
I've had chicken pox: true
I've gotten lost in a city: true
I've seen a shooting star: false
I've wished on a shooting star: false
I've gone out in public in my pajamas: true
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: true
I've been to a casino: true
I've been skydiving: false
I've played spin the bottle: false
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: ew.
I've been in a car crash: false (knock on wood)
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: true
I've sat on a roof top at night: true
I've played chicken: false
I've played a prank on someone: true
I've ridden in a taxi: true
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: true
I've eaten Sushi: true
I own something from Hot Topic: true
I own something I got on E-Bay: false
I own something from Abercrombie: false
I own something from American Eagle: false
I own something from Anchor Blue: false
More Random:
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: false
I watch the news: false
I curse regularly: false...ish.
I sing in the shower: true
I'm a morning person: hehehe ya right.
I have listened to more than 30 CD's in a day: false
I've worn pajamas to school: true
I know how to shoot a gun: false
I laugh at my own jokes: true
I am really ticklish: abstain
I play video games: false
I'm good at remembering names: false
i'm now to the point where i've typed "true" and "false" so much they both look like they're spelled wrong.
feel free to do this on your own blog and paste the link to it in the comments.
cuz then i'll have something to read! hoorah!
thanks for your time.
I'm short: false
I have scars: true... both physical and emotional [sniff]
I tan easily: true
I burn easily: false
I wish my hair was a different color: false
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: true
I wear glasses or contacts: true
I'm legally blind without them: false... i think
I have 5 or more piercing: false
I have/had piercing in places besides my ears: true
I miss someone right now: true (that's right splincoln! some of us have hearts that are not made of stone!)
I've gotten divorced: false
I've had a crush on a teacher: true
I've hugged a stranger: true
I like my bubble: very true
I've laughed so hard I've cried: true
I've glued my hand to something: true
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: false
I've had my pants rip/drop in public: ahem... true
I was born with a disease/impairment: not unless beauty is a disease/impairment.
I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: true
I've had my wisdom teeth removed: true
I've had a serious surgery: false
I've had chicken pox: true
I've gotten lost in a city: true
I've seen a shooting star: false
I've wished on a shooting star: false
I've gone out in public in my pajamas: true
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: true
I've been to a casino: true
I've been skydiving: false
I've played spin the bottle: false
I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: ew.
I've been in a car crash: false (knock on wood)
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: true
I've sat on a roof top at night: true
I've played chicken: false
I've played a prank on someone: true
I've ridden in a taxi: true
I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: true
I've eaten Sushi: true
I own something from Hot Topic: true
I own something I got on E-Bay: false
I own something from Abercrombie: false
I own something from American Eagle: false
I own something from Anchor Blue: false
More Random:
I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: false
I watch the news: false
I curse regularly: false...ish.
I sing in the shower: true
I'm a morning person: hehehe ya right.
I have listened to more than 30 CD's in a day: false
I've worn pajamas to school: true
I know how to shoot a gun: false
I laugh at my own jokes: true
I am really ticklish: abstain
I play video games: false
I'm good at remembering names: false
i'm now to the point where i've typed "true" and "false" so much they both look like they're spelled wrong.
feel free to do this on your own blog and paste the link to it in the comments.
cuz then i'll have something to read! hoorah!
thanks for your time.