
"i saw the worst movie last night. 'hitchhiking the galaxy' or something like that... and i'll tell you, it made that idiot from idaho, what's his name?... 'napolean dynamite'. ya... it made 'napolean dynamite' look good."

-40 year old man on cell phone


Leah said…
Sounds like 40 year old man who's never read a good book in his life. Geez.
talkingdonkey said…
Also sounds like a 40 year old man who needs his face shredded by something with really sharp talons.
Em said…
it just sounds like a 40 year old man... not everybody can be young and hip like us... (and by "us" I mean ME!)
Nama said…
that's about as disturbing as your "for jon" link
Leah said…
You like that Nama? Check out the Nama's secret lover link on my site. Hee hee.
Ben said…
Nice. So old guy's not keen on the dumb humor (ND) and clearly not diggin the smart humor (HHGG)--is he humor impaired? Possibly has he sold his soul à la Bart Simpson? ("You traded my soul for pogs?") Poor sad man. PS: Kat, did you see our improv show during Pirate Days? PPS: Funny that we are communicating via comments on each other's blogs.
Chester B. said…
The animation sequences of the guide in the early 80s TV adaptation of Hitchhiker's Guide are pretty sweet.

Yeah, some people are soooo outta touch. Geez.
Jena said…
Now THAT'S an old man I would go out with.

Erika said…
Ha ha. Jena got hit on by a grandpa. Because you're bootiful.