last will and testament

i'm dying.

this isn't exactly the way i wanted to go, but... you know... it happens.
i have pink eye. at age 24.
and now i think the pink eye has spread to my throat.
and ears.
and nose.
and brain.

in the last hour i've put 5 excedrin, 2 prescription eye drops, a glass of airborne, 20 cookies, a chicken quesadilla, 30 billion mentholated cough drops, and 20 ounces of diet coke into my system. and i just found some old codeine. that'll probably be next.

but what i'm saying is... if the codeine doesn't help, i'm going to chop my head off.

and in that eventuality, i need to settle a few things...

mom, to you i leave all the stuff i've stolen from home over the years.
daddy, you can have my laptop so you will no longer need to borrow it and say, "i need to get one of these... how do you turn it on?"
liz, my "buffy" dvd's are all yours.
lincoln, you get the container of artificial sweetener i stole from chili's.
kate, to you i leave the best thing of all... my chocolate jar.
em, you get nothing. because you gave me pink eye.
jacob, you can have whatever you want. because let's face it, i'm a pushover for 3 year olds. especially 3 year olds that call me and ask if my eyes are still sick.

everyone else will have to fight over the rest of my stuff. especially the pictures of me.
i might be gone, but the shrine of me should still live on.



kat said…
i've always been stoic.
Nama said…
aww...this is the saddest kat i'm ever heard.

and i got dibs on your sweet ride.
Jon said…

I'm half an hour late.
Erin said…
LOL! I'm sorry you are sick. Pink eye sucks. Big time.

I see a person with a person with pink eye and I spontaniously get it. So, thanks a alot, now I got it from you.
Jay said…
I call your Rocky III, keyboard, and your guitar. I'm going to put together my own band, we are going to be called "Mr.T's Revenge".
Andrew H said…
Pink is this season's Orange. You always lead the fashion trends. You are so cool!
Leah said…
I want your cool astrology book that you loaned me one time last year.
barnesanova said…
codeine makes me hyper. it gives my family a heart attack.

random genetic mutation facts. gotta love em.
Cracka Chips said…
dear kat i request nothing. and when you get to that point where you are on the edge between this life andthe next i'll be there to sing camp songs to you.
banana's unite, good buddy.
Em said…
and i'll be there to restrain ritz...
Carolyn said…
Can I have those blonde hair extentions?

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You should probably take a trip to MA? That cures everything.
Ann-Marie said…
i was wondering if i could have your ridiculous good looks????

and also a few inches of your height wouldn't hurt either!!

i hope you get feeling better soon!
Heather said…
Dear Kat,

you can't die.

I have already agreed to sing a Karaoke version of "I Will Survive" with mascara running down my face at your wedding reception.

what more do you want from me to make you stay? MY SOUL!?

Get better,
Fat eSpence said…
Mr T's Revenge? What a sweet band name. Can I get pink eye from reading your blog? I call your artistic ability.
Jay said…
I guess you died from Pink Eye. On your tombstone, it will read:

Here lies Kathryn.

She watched Buffy a lot.
barnesanova said…
ha, MA cures nothing. been here for years and sickness prevails when it decides to.
Andrew H said…
Here Lies Kat,

It was a Kataclysmic Loss!