search engine

i always find the randomest websites when i'm using a search engine. i'll type in something normal like "string cheese" and end up on a website about the korean war.
ok. that's a lie. i've never searched for "string cheese" ever. i don't even know what the korean war was. i assume it was fought in korea. i was taking some literary license but frankly, i don't want to get on oprah winfrey's bad side so i'm going to stop with the exaggeration for interest's sake, and stick to the truth.
um... so... i'll type in something normal like "easter bunny" and end up on a website with a photoshopped santa picture.
it's very confusing.
so i did a little research to see what searches were leading people to my randomness. apparently "katie couric bird poop", "cute hairdos for black girls", and "mexican rattlesnake powder" have all led people to my blog.
which makes no sense.
however, the fact that my blog popped up when someone searched for "the perfect woman" makes all the sense in the world.


barnesanova said…
'chicks who dig cruise ships'
'$240 worth of puddin'
'corn + mighty + warrior'
'poly-o + string + cheese'

those could work too...
Fat eSpence said…
The Korean War is sometimes called the "Forgotten War" will tell you lots about it.
Ben said…
All I know is that the Korean war was largely fought by Alan Alda and Mike Farrell, who did so by indulging in homemade hooch and making prurient remarks about army nurses, which was odd given that Mike Farrell was playing a faithfully married character. And I didn't find anything with "mexican rattlesnake powder". Well, nothing pleasant at least.
Jon said…
How do you find all this out?
Heather said…
Just when I think I am safe from that creepy Rabbit/Santa=RANTA(?) photo, you find a way to bring it back to life.