
there are a few, somewhat ambiguous ideas i choose to believe in... just cuz. they've become laws to me. truths. that i hold to be self evident.

like karma. i'm a big believer in the "what goes around comes around" way of thinking.
survival of the fittest. i believe in that,
and opportunity cost,
and in the deepest place of my heart, i very strongly believe in the "if the teacher's 20 minutes late to class, you can leave" rule.
i firmly believe in occam's razor,
and game theory,
and a little part of me believes in the force.

it's the way i operate. and the way i expect others to operate. i guess i try to tweak what happens in the "real world" so it abides by my truths. without them i'd probably fall into personal anarchy. or worse, i'd be sadly unopinionated.
thus, i give a mental standing ovation to anyone who subscribes to randomness, be it the idea of synergy, or the law of averages, or serendipity, or the 1-2-3 not it rule...
or brava.


Em said…
I believe in the good ol' "It's my way or the highway" truth.

I do what I want, Felix.
Jena said…
What if I believe in being unopinionated? Will you still like me?
Erika said…
I believe in Kat. Whatever she does, I'll do.
Jay said…
I believe. . .

the truth is out there.
Leah said…
I believe that if it was your biz-nass, you'd already know.
Kimberly said…
I believe in the 5 second rule.
Cracka Chips said…
I beleive the children are our future.
kat said…
"isn't that a song?"
"no. umm... i don't think so.... no."