
ya, i've so got nothing to say.
nothing cute.
or funny.

oh, wait!


there, that's funny.


john said…
There used to be a pamphlet in the health services building where I went to school entitled "Chlamydia is Not a Flower." For some sick reason I always found that humorous. Maybe I need some penicillin.
matt said…
i once got a fortune cookie that said "you have SARS." at least, i think it was a fortune cookie...
Nama said…
hehe...syphillis is always funny.

(and so is scabies...)
Andrew H said…
I have a really funny syphillis story... ha ha ha. Thanks for reminding me of it.
Chester B. said…
There's an awful picture of genital warts in my microbiology book; that's not funny but firmly advocates abstinence.