
if there's anything i've learned from watching "star wars", it's this...
everyone needs an obiwan.
or a yoda.
or even just a mentor.

and i have one.
seriously, his name was batu.
he was my intermediate drawing professor.

really all he ever did was compliment my drawings a lot in a really thick mongolian accent.
but that's kind of yoda-ish, right?

the point is, he made me want to be an artist. later on, i had so many insane professors who told me my contour drawings were not up to par, and i had no handle on what cubism was, and once a professor walked up behind me and said, "gosh! you SUCK today!"...

but somewhere in the back of my mind i could here batu saying, "ooooohhhhh.... so beauteefull! so deleecut."
it was my own little, "use the force the luke" mantra.


barnesanova said…
i'm a firm believer that people who critique art, music, writing, life, in terms that are generated and designed to box in, hone in, restrict, control, and standardize creativity, are lame, worthless, and hollow people who have no anima.

ignore disbelievers you will. draw you must. stand proud and tall you do.
Nama said…
professors are nice. and then mean. and then nice again.
Jay said…
Ohhhh, it was 'delicate' NOT 'Derelicte'!!

That would have been cool if your professor used Zoolander to describe your art.
Jon said…
I've seen Zoolander (shudder); I wouldn't want anyone to describe anything I did as derelicte.
Leah said…
Maybe he wasn't talking about your art... maybe he had the hots for you. Shoot, I would.
barnesanova said…
what is this, some kind of a joke??? how's anyone supposed to fit in there?
Leah said…
You wanna fit in? Two things: Flattery and "Mom" jokes. But mostly just flattery.
Jon said…
Your mom fits in.

You look pretty today.
barnesanova said…
someone missed the zoolander... but ok.

yo' mama's like a 7up can, never had it, never will.

yo' mama's like a tv, a two year old can turn her on.

yo' mama's so fat her belt size is equator.

hmm... maybe i should just have gone to the conveniently placed link eh? guess i don't fit in. that's it, i'll never comment again!
Nama said…
jon, your mom can't even see the computer screen because of the fat rolls on her face.

Fat eSpence said…
Just tell your professor that he can derelick your drawings! Uhh, earth to professor....
Besides I happen to collect your vintage Villa comics. PS Billy comes home in October.
barnesanova said…
thank GOD!!! NOW i fit in, albeit a bit sideways.
kat said…
i invented the piano key necktie!
i invented it!
what do you have?