
every couple of years i go through my cell phone and delete the people i don't call anymore.
it's a big event, because i can't help feeling that deleting a phone number is the same thing as deleting a person from my life.
and, i mean, really it is the same thing. because i don't have any phone numbers memorized.
and i never have the energy to look one up.
then, i go through my instant messenger list.
and really once you're off of my hotmail contacts list, you're out of my life.
this is not something i take lightly.
which is why i only do this every couple of years.
if i did it any more regularly i'd be a horrible, callous recluse.

so, what have we learned today?
that i'm not ready for pizza pipeline to be gone from my life.


barnesanova said…
i delete people all the time. it's quite liberating.
Andrew H said…
I should probably do that every now and then. I actually have a few names on my cell that I don't recognize and I'm too embarrassed to call them and ask who they are.
Fat eSpence said…
I cleaned mine out the other day, and almost immediately had to call someone I'd just deleted. It was in fact, Charlie Webb!
Em said…
i miss pizza pipeline! why, why, why have they left me? and who is this evil american pie warlord that keeps eating my pizza?
Erin said…
Mine is my email addresses. I dumped over 100 people a couple of months ago and it felt great!
Jay said…
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Jay said…
I don't have friends, just people who I pay to be my friends. So if you haven't recieved any paychecks from me in a while, then I deleted you from my buddy list.

Wow, I can finally afford the Extra Value menu at MickeyD's.
Nama said…
so maybe since i can't remember phone numbers any more cuz they're all in my phone, i should have some room left up there for important stuff...but i don't.
Ben said…
This reminds me of an episode of The Adventures of Pete and Pete in which the lineman kept a phone call going on a payphone in the outskirts of town to declare his undying love for Pete's mom.

"True love, if it's really true, doesn't need an answer."

In this case, your love just happens to be for Pizza Pipeline.
Leah said…
It's ok Kat, I still have the numbers to my two favorite salons in Utah. Just in case...
john said…
Maybe you should send a renewal notice beforehand, kind of like when your magazine subscriptions end:

Hello, _____, this notice is to warn you that you are in jeopardy of being deleted off of my records. Please respond within the next 30 days to renew your acquaintanceship. Thank you.