
"lost" is the best show on television.
and i intend to prove this statement.
but please bear in mind that i haven't taking geometry since i was a freshman in high school
and even then, i wasn't good at proofs.

given: a group of blog readers with good taste in tv shows.
prove: "lost" is the best show on tv.

axiom 1: people with good taste want to watch something besides the 5 billion copycat reality shows out there. ("martha stewart's apprentice" theorum)
axiom 2: a good non reality tv drama has a lot of intensity, plot twists, and action. ("dallas" theorum)
axiom 3: intense situtions are made more intense and believable if the characters are dynamic. (my 11th grade english teacher talking to us about shakespeare theorum)
axiom 4: dynamic characters are made more interesting when there's a love triangle. (every movie ever made theorum)
axiom 5: especially when there's a bad boy in the love triangle. (han solo theorum)
axiom 6: good plot+good characters+rabid polar bears, unexplained island hatches, cursed lottery numbers, and miraculous de-crippling= the best show on television. ("lost" is the best show on tv theorum)

so there you go.
it's unflappably logical.

maybe some of you aren't keen on logic.
to those of you i say: the season premiere showed us that inside the mysterious island hatch...
... is a man named desmond.
see? best show on tv.


Sarita said…
I think I actually let out a little scream followed by an exclaimed "Nuh-uh!" as I jumped out of my lounged position on the couch to kneeling half way nearer to the television and embracing a massive pillow as Desmond called Jack "brother". If that's not proof, what is?
Andrew H said…
The first time I watched Lost was on Wednesday, and I've already set my Tivo for next week so I don't miss it!
Leah said…
I didn't see the first season, but you sold me. Wait, I mean, I'm sold. Ok, either way, it doesn't sound right. *sigh* I'm gonna start watching it, ok?
Emily A. said…
you are a genius
Em said…
I hate logic.
Nama said…
shoot, i'm just confused trying to figure out your "logic" problem-proof thing...glad i went the social science route.
Kimberly said…
Everyone has a picture but me! :( I feel...retarded. Also, I have no TV, so I can't even try out your proof! I may die, never knowing whether Lost truly is the coolest show ever seen by a person.
Heather said…
I have never seen a single episode of Lost.

But I have a degree in Mathematics from a highly respected university, and all I can say is BRAVO.


Have you named it?
Fat eSpence said…
"If you can't say something nice, then you shouldn't say nothin' at all." Having failed in all attempts to find something nice to say about "Lost," I will decline to comment further.
Jay said…
I apply all these same axioms to the first cartoon series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Jimmy said…
I started watching the first season on Saturday...

I've seen 17 episodes so far.

It's unbelievable.