
dear cary grant,
you're bisexual??? are you kidding me?

during last sunday's mother's day extravaganza i read parade magazine. and that's how i found out.
by reading parade-freaking-magazine.

i used to absolutely love "hello dolly" until i found out that barbra streisand and walter matthau hated each other.
same with "dirty dancing".
and now that i know rock hudson was gay i feel all awkward during the scenes when he's acting all seducey to doris day.
richard chamberlain's gay which kind of spoils the whole "prince charming" effect in "slipper and the rose".
and as much as i love "my fair lady", finding out that that's not really audrey hepburn's voice spoiled it for me.

i understand the miracle of acting. i get that people don't randomly burst into song, or have an innate profficiency in dance. i think i'm pretty good at suspending reality for the sake of cinematic entertainment.
but there's a line.
a line where i feel like i'm being lied to and i don't have to take it anymore and the movie is in essence ruined for me.

so, dear cary grant,
i know your real name is archibald leach.
i know you're not really british (or, you know, whatever nationality that weird accent is supposed to be from).
i know now about your live in lovers.
i'm just saying that "philadelphia story" is my favorite movie.
please don't take it away from me.


Em said…
I can't believe I knew something about Cary Grant before you. I feel like a genius. Although, in his bio, he refutes the rumors that he is bisexual. And I'm clinging to the slim chance that he's telling the truth. So, SSSHHHHH!!
Jay said…
It's kinda sad when you find out some dirty laundry on your favorite actors/actresses, but at the same time, if you can accept their faults, then you are a better fan.

For me, it was when Rob Halford came out of the closet. I love Judas Priest, especially their PainKillers album, but now that the secret is out and I know that he is gay but I still think that their albums rock, I think that I'm a better fan of the Judas Priest.

Maybe the same thing can be applied in this scenario.
Erika said…
I think it was the story about how Cookie Monster is no longer going to be called Cookie Monster and he is going to eat only vegetables that came up at dinner with a bunch of new ward friends (see guys, you can do it!) and someone said they read it in Entertainment Weekly or Us magazine or something. I read about it in Newsweek. My roommate is awesome.
This comment relates because it does okay.
Jon said…
For me, it was when I found out that Ian McKellan was gay. Yes, I know, I'm behind, but all of a sudden my favorite characters ever, Gandalf, Magneto, Chauvelin, just didn't seem as cool any more.

Same thing with Spider-Man.

So help me, if I find out that Patrick Stewart is gay or bi or anything else deviant . . .
Heather said…
It still doesn't change the fact that Cary Grant on-screen is the perfect man (aside from how high he wears his pants).

They can't take that away from me. No, no, they can't take that away from me.
Jay said…
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Jay said…

Yes, I've seen what evil, blaspheming flash developers have done with the 'Gay Spiderman dance' that is floating around the net. But that's not because Spiderman is Gay. Far from it. He married Mary Jane for crying out loud and they had a kid (although MJ did have a 'miscarriage', which may later be revealed as a child abduction) in Spectacluar Spiderman #220.

The point being, Spiderman is not gay!!!!!!
Kirsten said…
my friend is in the entertianment business and guess what, Tom Cruise is Gay too. of course you wont find out until he is dead as well. my friend claims most of the people are gay/bisexual. I think that is what people with too much money do.
Kirsten said…
by people I menat movie stars
Tiff said…
*Sigh* :( Too bad. Too bad.
Jena said…
Thank you Jay, I don't know what I would have done to Jon had you not intervened. Jon don't you EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!
Anonymous said…
If people outside the HFAC really did break into song and dance I don't know what I'd do with myself.

Yes it's true Audrey Hepburn's voice in "My Fair Lady" isn't hers. However in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" when she is on the balcony singing "Moonriver" that IS her there.
Jon said…
Well it seems we have a little case-in-point here.

I heard somewhere that Tobey Maguire was gay. Chris agrees with me. Corey doesn't. So where did I hear it from? And if it's a dirty rotten lie, then where did it start?

Couldn't the same be true of Carey Grant? Not bisexual, just royally slandered? Hopefully so. Otherwise Kayla's compliment that I was like Carey Grant gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Leah said…
I was at a farmer's market on saturday and some girl started prancing around the veggies and she turned to face me and she had on a byu t-shirt. figures.
Jay said…
Tobey Maguire and Spiderman are two different people. One fictiously plays a role that represents Spiderman, the other is ACTUALLY Spiderman.

Let's not ever confuse the two !!!!
Ann-Marie said…
is parade magazine even a credible news source?? i don't think so!
Erika said…
By the way, it wasn't the Cookie Monster thing in Newsweek. It was Shrek 3 in Newsweek. Cookie Monster is probably gay too. They're all gay!
talkingdonkey said…
I don't think I'll ever look at Sesame Street the same way again. Of course we know it's Burt and Ernie's fault.
Anonymous said…
Parade magazine as a fact source? Thats rich!

Check your sources.. here a quick bio

oh and he was British, until he became a naturalized citizen in the 60's.

People talk .. that is what they do. He never said he was bisexual or homosexual. He had friends who were men, even some that were gay and that makes him bi?