inspired by spliz's candid regrets , i give you a few, brief letters of apology: dear arrested development, i'm sorry that, just as in "la traviata", by the time i knew i loved you, it was too late to do anything but watch you die a horrible tuberculosisy death. you will forever be my violetta. affectionately, kat dear people reading this, i'm sorry for referring to "la traviata" in the previous apology. it was a pretentious reference and frankly i've never seen it. i don't even like opera. i wanted to refer to "moulin rouge" but thought you wouldn't think me as smart. especially since i knew i was going to use the word "tuberculosisy". humbly, kat p.s. i figured out "violetta" on wikipedia. i did not know it off the top of my head. dear stone temple pilots, i'm sorry i forgot you existed. yours, kat dear dingdong, i'm sorry i made fun of you to my old roommate. mostly because it turns out she knows you. ...